Search Engine Optimization

Helping people  find you on Google

It’s a common struggle for every business. How are you going to attract new customers and clients? Finding organic leads for your business doesn’t just happen on its own. You need a good Search Engine Optimization strategy to achieve your digital marketing goals.

Out-Smarts provides you with that strategy. We will pull together the proper geeky back-end code with optimized on-page content and keywords so your site is more attractive to Google and you show up higher in organic search. 

We’ll do the RIGHT things, in the RIGHT places to help you rank higher on Google!

SEO 101: How “Google” actually works

If only there was a magic formula to help you get found on Google. This formula does exist, but much is shrouded in mystery. Marketers know most of the factors that Google looks for when deciding how to rank your page in search engine results. 

As an SEO company, we will optimize your code to the specs required by search engines like Google. We also write content that is keyword optimized based on what your customers are putting in the search box of Google.  And we can help with hundreds of other factors the algorithm looks at when ranking search results.

Why SEO matters to your business

Once upon a time, SEO-optimizing your website and online presence were considered optional. Today it is essential if you want to drive new prospects and customers through Google. 

When working with SEO experts, you can:

  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly (Google likes that)
  • Research the right keywords to optimize your content (Google likes this too) and use those keywords in all the right places
  • Produce ad copy and placements that return a positive ROI by attracting more customers
  • Attract the right people, from the right places, at the right time (your company will benefit from this)

It all starts with an audit to assess your current SEO strengths and weaknesses:

Why you need Out-Smarts

Over 12+ years experience

We started during the “Caffeine” Google Algorithm (2008) update and are constantly refining our services to match current algorithm releases.

We get in their heads

Our job is to get in your customer’s heads and create a digital marketing strategy to guide them through the discovery and buying process.

Tried + Tested = True

After a decade in the biz, we’ve seen the successful strategies and can customize them for your business goals and objectives so you get a positive ROI.

Fanatical Customer Experience

We believe a job worth doing is a job worth doing right. Our team focuses on building honest, strong relationships. It’s part of our core company values.

Honest (not black hat) SEO

Black Hat SEO can get you there faster, but not as authentically. We won’t promise the #1 ranking on Google, but we’ll get you more of the right organic traffic.

The SEO Nitty Gritty (aka what we do)

Ready for us to get a tad more technical? Here’s a sampling of what we offer:

SEO Strategy

All good projects start with a discovery session. This is when we dig deep into your company culture, products and services, goals, audience, and differentiators. We’ll need to know about your audience, their buying cycles, and who you are competing against for their business. Then we will create the following:

SEO Audit

We’ll audit your current site to see what technical or quick fixes we can make. Then, we’ll look at what keywords you’re currently ranking for and who’s already ranking well for those words.

SEO Roadmap

After more in-depth (and frankly a little geeky) research, we’ll determine the best keywords and strategy to help you rank better for your chosen keywords. Your plan will likely contain several tactics (keep reading below to learn more).

Ready to get started?

Foundational SEO & On-Page SEO

These are the foundational blocks of your SEO strategy that we recommend for 97.99% of our clients.

Keyword Research

Are you optimizing your content for keywords that your audience is actually searching for in Google? We’ll do the research and brainstorm the right words to use to attract your ideal customers. 

Then we can create a master keyword list and start applying the keywords in all the right places to appease the Google Algorithm.

Website SEO

The usability of your website is just as crucial as the geeky coding part, at least in the eyes of Google. We’ll ensure that your website is up to par or help you redesign your website to get you there.

We always grab as much SEO “juice” from your old site as possible, so your results don’t tank, and add it to new strategies to optimize your online presence.

E-commerce SEO

If you have an online store component to your website, your products need to be optimized, so they show up in search results when people are looking for them. 

This helps future proof your online store. One day, If you link your store to a third-party service like Facebook or Google, your database will be set up correctly for more seamless integration.

Landing Pages SEO

You can have the best-written landing page, but it’s pointless if people can’t find it. That’s where SEO (and Out-Smarts) comes in!

Our job is to help you write the perfect landing page (following all best practices and our experience) and drive strategies to attract people to your page via search engines or social media.

Technical SEO

This brings the geekiness up another notch. All you need to know about our technical SEO services is we can fix it!

If your site is slow, breaks, has a bug, needs a critical security patch, or your website CMS (the platform your website is built on) needs updating, our web team can work with your web team to get it fixed before it steals any of your precious SEO “juice.”

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Service (aka off-page SEO)

After your own digital assets are SEO optimized, there are things we can do on the web to drive increased traffic to your site:

Link Building

How does Google know which sites are actually the best? They look at who else is “talking” about them. 

We’ll get others “talking” about you by adding your website link on other reputable websites or directories in your niche. Google will see you as an authority start ranking you higher in search results.

Google Ads

Paying for Google Ads is a great way to show up on page one in a shorter amount of time.
But it’s not for everyone, and it needs to be done the right way. Thankfully we’ve got a whole page dedicated to this service at Out-Smarts! Read more about our Pay Per Click services.

Directory Listings and Reviews

When people search for your business name, you want to appear first in the search results. 

We can help you claim and maintain your Google My Business Listing and link it to Google Maps. We’ll also get you set up for customers to leave you Google Reviews.

Don’t let the competition out-smart your SEO strategy!

SEO is a long game, so starting now will help increase your chances of success. Book a free discovery call with us now to get started and see what your SEO strategy looks like.

What Our Clients Say

Fairware has worked with Out-Smarts on two projects so far: Search Engine Optimization for our website redesign and on developing an email marketing strategy. Traffic and conversions have increased, our business is growing and we're very pleased with the results. Mhairi is a joy to work with and has been great at building our internal capacity so we can continue the work in house.

Denise Taschereau - Co Founder - Fairware

"I wanted to rank on the first page and Mhairi’s team worked with me to achieve that. She took the time to translate technical SEO into actionable steps that were easy to follow and did so in a way that was very flexible to my needs and timelines."

Pam Chaloult - Practical Feet Advising

Out-Smarts has been an invaluable partner in helping us to meet our Google Ads and SEO objectives. Mhairi is a responsive collaborator who is there to help innovate and evolve our strategies for targeted results, while also helping us to leverage cost-saving opportunities. Mhairi’s friendly, generous, collaborative style makes her a pleasure to work with.

Glenn Ewald, Director Communications, Vancouver Foundation

If you are going to produce a lot of thought-leadership content like we do, you want to make sure people find it through search engine optimization (SE0). This is where Out-Smarts Marketing stepped in with their expertise. I’ve known the founder Mhairi Petrovic for some time now, she’s been at the forefront of digital marketing since 2002 helping organizations that do good work in the world do better online. We were thrilled to engage her company. She and her associate Grace Bonifacio not only optimized our website, but they also taught us how to optimize our content. A valuable transfer of knowledge indeed. If you are looking for a woman-led, full service digital marketing agency, look no further.

Catherine Ducharme - Co Founder - Fluency Digital